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Don’t run life through, it will be a short sprint.

I’m a man who is possessed with a creative mind. Life has directed me toward arts and creative aspirations. At a young age I had skills in drawing. In school I was only drawn to art classes. I sucked at everything else and got bad grades. Once I understood at age 16 that I could get a job that was related to arts, advertising and design, my interest towards learning other fields also got better. I found my so called “calling” and it challenged me towards that goal.

The greatest challenge of my life has been identifying my place in society and surroundings. And trying to reach impossibilities. Trying to be an extrovert, yet being an introvert. And having the mindset that I have to constantly try to be and to prove to others to be the best in my professional field and to constantly try to be innovative.

It has led to many challenging situations in my life. For instance, in work-life it consumed a lot of unnecessary energy that led to a pause in my life.

"Luck and being at the right place at the right time plays a big role in everything."
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I’m constantly trying to be at the top of the game. But it’s important to understand that how much you even try to control your life and goals, it does not always turn out the way you attended. Luck and being at the right place at the right time plays a big role in everything.

To one degree I have recovered, but not fully. It’s a constant everyday challenge to try to remind myself that take it easy, good enough is good enough in most situations, and that work is not everything. What is more important is taking time for you wellbeing, yourself, hobbies, your family, friends.

Silence, to me, means the ability to have an internal dialogue and discussions with yourself. Inner talk. The ability to be honest with you and your inner self. The ability to feel confident without trying to be someone you’re not. The ability to have time for yourself, without anybody else, without doing anything specific. I believe people are easy to deceive themselves without even thinking about it in many cases. For example when you decided to hit the gym every day and eating healthy, but in the end you notice you given permission to eat a bag of candies because you earned it by hitting the gym only once a week.

"Silence is the ability to have an internal dialogue and discussions with yourself... the ability to feel confident without trying to be someone you’re not."
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I’m afraid of talking about all the problems that I have identified with myself.  Being deceptive to yourself that mostly refers to my own health.

Although my life has been a bit of a rollercoaster, I’m most proud that I have kept my cool in situations that would have been difficult for many. Basically, the ability to be long-tempered when life slaps you in the face. For example when I was young, being constantly bullied at school. Moving from Sweden to Finland at a young age. Culturally it was really difficult, I needed to adapt fast. I was basically living without caring parents. My brother got diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I made bad decisions in work life. I lost my business.

I dream of a life without too many distractions and worries. Without constantly needing to learn new things that you really aint that interested in just because thats what's required.

Watching the news, seeing war, the climate crisis. Social media is a part of my job. Sometimes it feels like a circus for attention-seeking clowns.

I’d love to stay healthy and mentally whole in this chaotic and ever-changing world and market situation.

I have learned that it’s not always you and how you can change things better for yourself since life is not only you; it’s your family, your loved ones, your friends, your work colleagues, your bosses, society, the changing world around you and luck or unfortunate.

You can't control everything but you can control with whom you want to spend time, and in what manner, setting barriers to toxic people and setting limits for yourself.

Don’t run life through, it will be a short sprint. Time is precious, the most priced asset I can give others. I’d like to not dedicate my time to stupid things.

I believe I would not consider myself any different without a job, since I believe I’m by nature a creative, life-long learner and entrepreneur, constantly developing something new.

"Time is precious, the most prized asset I can give others."
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Explore the essentials: sauna, nutrition, quality clothing, and everyday objects. Yourself.