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A big recession, bankruptcy and millions in debt, Rüstem had to start from scratch.

A big recession, bankruptcy and millions in debt, Rüstem had to start from scratch. People in his life helped him recover. First aid was family, mom and little sisters. Then came co-workers and ultimately the boss. Piece by piece he grew up to a pensioner who wouldn’t change a day.

Who are you?

I’m a father of three. Living in Helsinki. Retired. Used to be a businessman, one bankruptcy, importing rugs, such stuff. Bankruptcy felt like a relief. Like the only way out. Suddenly we owed millions. A big recession came. No own company since then, only a job. What helped was the support of other people. Some feel that bankruptcy is a shame, but I didn’t. A lot of my own mistakes was included, but that was not all. It was tight and I said to the bank manager that if we can’t negotiate we’ll both lose.

Why are you?

My parents met on a tram on their way to Kulosaari.

"Bankruptcy felt like a relief. Like the only way out. Suddenly we owed millions. A big recession came. No own company since then, only a job. What helped was the support of other people."
Rüstem wearing Silent Shirt in White, size L
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What has been the biggest challenge of your life?

Building a second career, because after the bankruptcy my self-esteem was shattered. I found a new place to work and slowly regained my sense of self-worth via co-workers who cheered me on. I got success, which fed more success.

How did you recover?

Nobody was more important than my mother and my little sisters. They helped so much. And other people gave their support too. And co-workers, but mostly my boss who was strict but fair. He  gave me a whole new position. We are still in touch. I called him on his birthday and he picked up right away.  We had a good chat. His wife was the CEO and the owner of the company.

"Building a second career, because after the bankruptcy my self-esteem was shattered. I found a new place to work and slowly regained my sense of self-worth via co-workers who cheered me on. I got success, which fed more success."
Newman, who?
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What does silence mean to you?

Sitting alone in the sauna with nothing but enjoyment. Being able to throw as much water on the stove as you want. Look out to the sea from the sauna window.

What do you fear talking about?

I can talk about anything. Depends on the people though. I don’t want to let things drag on so far that they become impossible to talk about.

What are you the most proud of?

I’m most proud of my three kids.

What do you dream of?

Of winters in an all inclusive hotel. With the fee to the golf course next to it paid for.

Is something stopping you?

Not enough money.

What would you like to tell future generations?

Be proud of your roots. And your family. The community where you have lived is something that tends to be more positive than negative.

What would you give up for others?

I’m not sure if I’m willing to give up anything.

What would you be without your job?

Everything has worked out as it should. Maybe I could’ve been a carpenter?

"Be proud of your roots. And your family. The community where you have lived is something that tends to be more positive than negative."
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Explore the essentials: sauna, nutrition, quality clothing, and everyday objects. Yourself.