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A Journey of Chance and Purpose

My existence is a mix of chance and purpose, trial and error. It’s an ongoing journey of discovery, where learning never stops.

Who are you?

I’m a wife, a mother of two, and a designer in a creative field. My life revolves around a deep love for nature, sports, literature, and art. I’m driven by the desire to make a positive impact on the well-being of those around me.

Why are you?

My existence is a mix of chance and purpose, trial and error. It’s an ongoing journey of discovery, where learning never stops.

“Silence isn’t just the absence of sound; it’s a space where I can process, reflect, and truly listen to what matters most.”
end of summer treat.
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What has been the greatest challenge of your life?

If we're talking about the hardest challenge, it would definitely be losing my mother and grappling with the unresolved issues that came with it. There were things left unsaid, moments I waited for that never came because she wasn't able to have those conversations.

But when you say "greatest challenge," that implies something more. For me, that was being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. After the shock, there was acceptance, surgery, and treatments. And now, looking back, I see that more good has come from it than bad.

I don’t stress about much anymore. Maybe it’s the meditation, the healthier lifestyle, cutting out sugar - who knows? But I feel in control, above the cancer, and that thought helps me manage it.

How did you recover?

Mentally, I leaned on reading, listening, and talking - especially with the support of family and friends. I felt, and still feel, safe, loved, listened to, and understood. I immersed myself in information, trying to understand what was happening inside me. I got a lot of practical advice and did everything I thought would help.

I needed to have some control. I spoke out loud about the hardest thoughts. I’m lucky to have people close to me who I can talk to about everything, who allow me to be weak, but also understand my need to be strong, and even tolerate my dark humor on the subject.

“Life’s greatest challenges often bring unexpected gifts—through my cancer diagnosis, I’ve found more strength, clarity, and peace than I ever imagined.”
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What does silence mean to you?

I crave time alone, without my phone or any distractions. The best silence is found in the forest or on long walks, though even then, my thoughts can be loud. Silence is a space to process things, to have conversations with myself. It’s not necessarily about quiet.

To really silence my mind, I turn to meditation, breathing exercises, or intense physical activity. For me, silence is about being present, truly listening, and catching the things said between the lines.

Even as a child, I often wanted to play alone. To be alone. It’s the same now.

What are you afraid of talking about?

There’s no topic I find inherently difficult or frightening. But sometimes, I hesitate to speak on things I’m not fully informed about, especially sensitive issues. I worry about unintentionally offending someone or choosing the wrong words.

What are you most proud of?

My family and friends. And the courage to go against the odds and do things my own way.

What do you dream of?

I dream of spending an entire year in the countryside, living as self-sufficiently as possible. I want my days to have a clear purpose - making fires, cooking, heating the sauna, planting, growing, building. And of course, visits from friends and good conversations.

Is something keeping you from doing what you want? What?

My kids. It might be a challenge to convince them of the idea. But they’ll grow up and become independent, so I believe that dream will come true someday.

What would you like to tell future generations?

The same thing I remind myself every day: Be present. Listen. Try to make good choices and keep a balance between discipline and pleasure.

What would you be willing to give up for the benefit of others?

I’m willing to let go of some of my opinions if it avoids unnecessary arguments. And I’m always ready to give up my time for the benefit of others.

What would you be without your job?

My job is just a small part of who I am, like a frame around a picture. My studies and profession have shaped aspects of my life - where I live, my friends, and my lifestyle -but I think I’d be quite the same person if I were an art director or a gardener. In the latter case, maybe even a little more content and happier.

“I dream of a life with clear purpose, where every action is intentional and connected to the rhythm of nature. One day, I’ll make that dream a reality.”
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Explore the essentials: sauna, nutrition, quality clothing, and everyday objects. Yourself.