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A dreamer and an Arsenal fan.

I dream of things that may not necessarily be attainable. But it's important to dream. For my part, I dream of a healthy and good life, and perhaps those unattainable dreams are related to utopias like world peace and the end of the exploitation of Congo.

Who are you?

I am Patisse A Lody, a Finnish and Congolese stylist, cultural producer, small business owner, influencer, sister, aunt, friend, partner, Helsinki resident, and Arsenal supporter. The list could go on, but these seemed the most relevant today.

Why are you?

I exist because my mother, father, and God decided so. Naturally, I am grateful to all three of them for this.

What has been the greatest challenge of your life?

The passing of my loved ones, as well as my lifelong integration into this country, its culture, and society.

Born in Kongo. Raised in Merihaka, Helsinki.
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How did you recover?

Still recovering. Recovery is a long process that doesn't always have a final destination. It is often a lifelong journey. I recover and survive by praying, believing, and laughing as much as possible. These are important to me and the pillars of my life.

What does silence mean to you?

Peace of mind. Recharging. Rest. Being alone. I feel that I sometimes need to be alone. But sometimes solitude and silence are frightening because you have to face your thoughts without filters.

What are you afraid of talking about?

I am not afraid to discuss anything, but I choose very carefully whom I talk to and whom I let get close to me.

Patisse´s go to lunch. A Fried egg with crunchy chili.
A homage to recently lost mom.
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What are you most proud of?

My last name and my family. I am also proud of some of my achievements in my career, but I don't feel that they define me as a person. I am proud of my resilience and of how well I have managed in life despite everything.

What do you dream of?

I dream of things that may not necessarily be attainable. But it's important to dream. For my part, I dream of a healthy and good life. Perhaps those unattainable dreams are related to utopias like world peace and the end of the exploitation of Congo, its resources, and its people.

Is something keeping you from doing what you want? What?

Responsibilities. More specifically, being born into and growing up in a certain culture often brings with it a corresponding family dynamic. In such a context, you can't always be selfish or think solely about your own dreams and goals. These responsibilities don't necessarily prevent you from achieving your dreams, but they can slow down the process.

What would you like to tell future generations?

Stop complaining. It's worth developing your self-esteem, trusting yourself, and being courageous. This helps you get through many tough situations in life.

What would you be willing to give up for the benefit of others?

I like to think of myself as someone who would give up almost all material possessions for my loved ones. I also like to believe that I am willing to sacrifice time and effort for their sake.

What would you be without your job?

Poor, but still me.

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